Magdalena Giryn

Senior Managing Partner, Talent Chase


Passionate about the contemporary approach to HR, which combines the power of technology, psychology and experience. A business practitioner with over 20 years of managerial experience. He advises companies on how to improve business efficiency and achieve above-average results by increasing the effectiveness of teams. She successfully implemented a number of consulting and development projects in the field of diagnosis and modeling of organizational cultures, leadership development and managerial competences for leading Polish entrepreneurs as well as international companies and corporations. On a daily basis, he cooperates with international authorities in the field of research on the development of leadership and personality of leaders, the impact of digitization of the modern world on changes in the leadership model. Magda built her career path working, among others, in technology companies such as CA and Orange. For over 10 years associated with the training and consulting services industry. Currently, as a Senior Managing Partner Talent Chase, she shares her experience with clients from various sectors, including: gaming, ICT, IT, finance and others. Lecturer at the postgraduate studies "Leadership of the Future" co-created in the partnership of the Warsaw School of Economics and Talent Chase, where he deals with the issue of the influence of personality strength in the context of achieving successes by leaders, based on the results of psychometric research by Dr. R. Hogan. Magda's passion is sharing knowledge about modern technologies, tools and ideas supporting management and strengthening employee engagement. Certified consultant on psychometric tools of dr. R. Hogan. Author of a number of publications. She works with the following languages: Polish, English and French.


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