Harold Jarche

Partner, Internet Time Alliance


International Keynote Speaker, Workplace Learning Consultant, Personal Knowledge Mastery, e-book series author „The Perpetual Beta Series”. Harold Jarche works with individuals, organizations, and public policy influencers to develop practical ways to improve collaboration, knowledge sharing, and sensemaking. Harold has been described as “a keen subversive of the last century’s management and education models”. Clients appreciate Harold for his extensive experience and network. His internationally renowned blog is “a beacon of light in the dark landscape of organizational learning”. According to one long-time reader, “Harold is one of the best thinkers out there on things relating to learning and work”. Harold helps his clients deal with an increasingly complex networked world. A graduate of the Royal Military College, Harold served over 20 years with the Canadian Armed Forces in leadership and training roles. Harold began his career as an officer with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. He completed his service as a Training Development Officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force where he conducted the analysis and design of training for aircrew and technicians on the newly purchased CH146 helicopter. In 2003 Harold launched his independent consulting practice in Sackville, NB, Canada. As work and learning become integrated in a networked society, Harold sees great opportunities to create new organizational models. We need to make social networks and communities of practice essential components of all of our workplaces. Being able to understand emerging situations, see patterns, and co-solve problems are now essential business skills. As Harold says, work is learning & learning is the work.



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