Martin Addison

Chief Executive Officer Video Arts


Martin Addison is CEO of Video Arts Group. With more than 25 years’ experience in the learning content and technologies business, he has become one of the foremost speakers and thought leaders on the subject of video in learning. Video Arts was established in the UK by a small group of television professionals, including the actor and comedian John Cleese, who pioneered the use of broadcast quality video and humour in training. We believe in the power of humour to help people learn. As well as using world-class production experts, we also employ a range of famous faces to feature in our videos. Put together, these three elements of humour, high quality production and well-known actors all help facilitate a change in behaviour in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. Video Arts is part of the Emmy & BAFTA award-winning Tinopolis group, one of the largest independent media producers across television, animation and new media with operations in the US, Europe & Asia. Video Arts have won over 20 prizes in recent years for their approach to learning content at IELA E-learning Awards ,World Media Festival and at the Cannes Media & TV Awards.



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